9:00-9:30 Welcome and institutional greetings
Gaetano Lalomia (Deputy Director, Department of Humanities)
Renata Gambino (Director, Neurohumanities Research Center)
9:30-10:30 Invited lecture - Maria Graziano (Lund University)
Aspects of multimodal language development
10:30-11:00 Jiali Li (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Ingrid Vilà-Gimenez (Universitat de Girona), Sara Coego (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Pilar Prieto (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats).
Multimodal adaptations in storytelling: Differences in gesture and speech between child-Directed and adult-directed narratives
11:00-11:30 coffee break
11:30-12:00 Loulou Kosmala, Corrado Bellifemine (Paris Est-Créteil University).
From discourse to dialogue: exploring dialogic gestures in French interaction
12:00-12:30 Anna Inbar (Levinsky-Wingate Academic College, University of Haifa), Yuval Geva (University of Haifa).
The pragmatic dimensions of the Hand(s) on Heart Gesture in Hebrew face-to-face interaction
12:30-13:00 Luca Lo Re (Università degli Studi di Firenze).
Multimodality and Illocution: The Role of Gestures in the Construction of Linguistic Action
13:00-14:00 lunch
14:00-15:00 poster session
15:00-15:30 Federico Frau, Paolo Canal, Maddalena Bressler, Chiara Pompei, Valentina Bambini (IUSS Pavia).
Uncovering the multimodal nature of figurative meaning using the EEG: the neural dynamics of metaphor-evoked mental imagery
15:30-16:00 Demet Özer (Bilkent University, Ankara), Efe Soyman (Koç University, Istanbul), AyÅŸe Nur Badakul (Koç University, Istanbul), Burcu Arslan (Koç University, Istanbul), Fatma Sena Yılmaz (BoÄŸaziçi University, Istanbul), Tilbe Göksun (Bilkent University, Ankara).
Distinct temporal dynamics of speech and gesture processing: Insights from ERPs across L1-Turkish and L2-English
16:00-16:30 coffee break
16:30-17:00 Tobias-Alexander Herrmann, Sonja Gipper, Jana Hosemann, Anastasia Bauer (University of Cologne).
Multimodal cues as predictors in feedback categorization
17:00-17:30 Kurt Feyaerts (University of Leuven).
The emergence of multimodal grammatical constructions through pointing gestures
17:30-18:00 Chiara Bonsignori, Alessio Di Renzo, Gabriele Gianfreda, Tommaso Lucioli, Barbara Pennacchi, Luca Lamano, Olga Capirci (ISTC-CNR, Rome).
A visually annotated multimodal corpus of LIS
10:00-10:30 Laura Sparaci (ISTC-CNR, Rome).
Where the sidewalk begins: searching for the origins of multimodal linguistic structures
10:30-11:00 coffee break
11:00-11:30 Valentina Saccone (Università di Firenze), Giorgina Cantalini (Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi, Milano), Massimo Moneglia (Università di Firenze).
Multimodal utterance in the autistic spectrum. A case study
11:30-12:00 Monica Xiao Wei, Diar Abdlkarim, Yeo Sang-Hoon, Robin L. Thompson (University of Birmingham).
Investigating Linguistic and Motor Influences in Signed Second Language Production
12:00-12:30 Conclusions
Bauer A., Mitchell A., Träuble B., Perniss P., Hellwig B.
Children’s multimodal feedback practices in interaction: Insights from three diverse languages
Sambre P.
Multimodal frame-based civil Antimafia constructions in a local Italian grammar
Rosborough A., Anderson L., Granados J. P.
Languaging-gestures: A Vygotskian perspective for understanding multimodal languaging for young L2 Learners
Karadöller D., Ayar M., Özdemir H.
Supporting Sign Language Acquisition of Deaf Children with Hearing Parents: An Intervention Study
De Iaco, M.
Multimodal Language in the Foreign Language Classroom. An Analysis of Data from Empirical Research
Hoffrén N.
In the light on constructed action: corpus-cases of signs with two faces
Billion L. K., Huth M.
Multimodal mathematical activities of second graders while constructing a diagram of figurate numbers
Norci C.
Multimodal language origins: empirical and theoretical insights from animal communication studies
Stanova M.
Escaping oral papers: towards multimodality in academia